Work Experience Case Study
Work Experience with Tim Luft, European Innovation

How did you get in to offering school work experience?
As a local company and member of the Chamber of Commerce we are regularly approached by local schools and colleges to offer work experience placements - we normally do this each year, and placements can range from 1 week to even a 6 month apprenticeship placement - I also support local schools with careers day talks/ workshops.
What have you got back from offering this?
Work experience placements do help us get a new perspective on ideas - younger people bring an energy and also an interest / knowledge in new technology trends across social media which we are keen to learn more about.
Would you recommend it to others?
We would recommend a work experience placement to all local businesses - they provide a key service to the local community and are very valuable for the placement themselves when choosing what sector they may want to shape a career in. Work Experience
Any tips?
The use of a work experience placement has helped us adopt new marketing ideas, it has helped us shape new working practices and has been another eager pair of hands to help us at events and exhibitions.